Friday, February 29, 2008

last day of february

so, all of a sudden winter is over and we're slowly moving towards spring, and by that we'r also movin towards.. bam bam bam!! -- SUMMER!!
but before all the loveliness that comes with summer, there's USA!
yeye! only one month and 9 days 'til i leave this godforsaken country and go back "home" for two weeks! wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! it's crazy! i've been away for about 7 months now, but it feels like forever.
it'll be good to hang with the old crew, to go to brennan's, to play v-ball and, of course, to go SHOPPING!
(i'm saving as much money as possible, being on a complete non-shopping diet..)

hmm, so.. what about febrary u say?
well, it's been crazy...
first weekend, feb 1-3 was the dance-a-thon in ö-vik (as much fun as always, I LOVE IT)
then, second weekend, feb 8-10 i had that course in instructing for step/aerobic, followed by two days in stockholm including the best night ever (the alter bridge concert), which were followed by two days of work back home,,,
third weekend, feb 15-17, i went to another instructing course.. this time in stockholm (yep, stockholm twice in one week, gosh...) and ever since that, it's been all work, training, work and training... and some sister time.. (may we all have sisters' love in our lives)

so, march.. hmm.. biggest things to come will be a couple of dancing nights and my first step- and afropowerdance-classes.. otherwise i forsee march mostly to be a very unnecessary commuting stretch before april.. but hey, " he who waits for good, does not wait in vain".. or something like that..
time to go


Tuesday, February 12, 2008