Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Time to get back into old habits

I've decided to start knitting again. It's been way too long, and I can't wait to get started!

This is the goal - only my size. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

a crappy ending to a wonderful weekend.

seriously, I don't know how I always end up in situations like these.
Like what? - you may wonder, and yeah.. It's a loong story.

I'll take some time to tell you all about it.

I slept about 1,5 hours last night. Then my alarm rang, I got up, still high on happiness from dancing, and dragged myself (and my too-heavy-bag, backpack and cooler) to the bus station. Got on the first bus - no problems. Had to wait a little in Sundsvall for my second bus, but with the sun shining from a cloudless sky my mood couldn't have been in any higher spirits! Bus #2 was fine to, and even train #1 that took me down to Stockholm was on time. I got on train #2, enjoying my cheeseburger from the stations fast food stand, still thinking I would make it home as planned.
Then what should have happened was this: The train should have been on time to Gothenburg, I should've switched there to a bus heading to Oslo, and, with a little luck from the time Gods, I should've maid my 8 minute connection to the last train to Sandefjord, being able to crash in my bed around 2am, able to get at least 5 hours of sleep before I had to get to work. Now, all that didn't happen. Sadly enough.
The train to Gothenburg was about 1 hour late as we arrived to Gothenburg's central station, which meant I missed my connecting but to Oslo with about 30 minutes. So what Sj did, was to put me on a train to Uddevalla, and from there on a bus to Strömstad. At around 00.30, the taxi came to pick me (and some other folks) up and headed for Oslo. We got here about 1.50 am. My plan was to go into the central station and hang out there until the first train for Sandefjord left at 05.37. You can imagine my disappointment when I realised that Oslo's Central Station in NOT operated 24/7. I wandered around outside for a while, dragging my suitcase after me, sat down in a remote corner on a bench, but realized fairly fast that this wasn't a place to be at 2 in the morning. Not only because of the few drunks coming along from time to time, but also because of the fact that my leather jacket didn't offer much warmth in the chilly autumn night. I think I spent about 30 minutes wandering around the station, until I finally came to my senses and started to use my overly tired brain - there was a hotel, and it looked warm and comfy. It took me a while to gather the courage to walk in and ask if I could wait in their lobby instead of outside, but I did, and here I am. Sitting in a comfy sofa, listening to weird norweigan music streaming out of the lobby's speakers.
My train leaves in little less than 2 hours, I'll be home in Sandefjord just in time to go home, eat, shower and head to work. Luckliy M is meeting me, thank God for that! <3

So, I'm guessing anyone who reads this imagines me being fairly angry, tired and generally pissed at life. But no. Tired YES, I can't argue with that.
BUT, and I don't know how this works, I am HAPPY. I would guess it has something to do with the fact that I'm on my way hone from one of the best weekends ever. Dancing was just so much fun! I had almost forgotten how uplifting it can be, to swirl across the dancefloor in the arms of one of those fantastic dancers, to experience the closeness of my friends who I see all too seldomly and to just feel the music pumping through my veins.

I am high. High on dancing. That's a matter of fact. And I LOVE it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I REALLY want to go to Ö-vik next weekend. I just don't know if it's possible...
But I will do everything in my power to make it happen, that's for sure.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

you take the breath right out of me

give me more, I want moooore!
Seriously, books are NOT supposed to make you feel like this.