Friday, November 16, 2007

x-mas fare and another ordinary day at work

we went to the christmas fare in huseby yesterday, my sisters, my mother and i.. and my mom's neighbour eva of course..:) she's like a little, i dunno, just something small and cute..:)
anyways, i spent waay too much money, ate waay too many samples of everything, but WOW what a night! the cold of the night and the stars above helped us get into that christmassy spirit, and well, it was just a perfect night...:)

today at work
well, i only have one word to describe it
haha, i've never felt more clumpsy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh. huseby är mys! :)
och idag var jag i köpenhamn på julmarknad där. massa lampor och mys där med. :) när ses vi? kärlek. M