Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things that has to be done

So I finished the second book in the twilight story, and yes - starting the third one is about all I want to do right now. BUT there are way too many things that need to be done.
I spent this morning in my bead, writing lists of things to bring to Norway, instead of taking my regular morning walk. (It's raining and windy outside, so I didn't really feel like it.) The rain means no painting, and no painting means no work, and no work means time. Not to read unfortunately, but to do all those things that have to be done.
So, I was gonna bake bread to bring to Norway, but then I figured out it was a bit too early since we're not leaving until monday and it's not going to stay fresh until then. Dang it.
Instead I've been paying bills while writing a list in my head of things to do today. And it's waaay too long. So I guess I better get going.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! ooohh noo! är du fast?!!!
hade du frågat mig hade jag sagt till det att VÄNTA till norge ;) Jag vet vad du går igenom! jag har haft paus i några månader på 3an nu! kommer ha 4an OCH 3an med mig till norge! så de får du låna av mig!:)