Monday, August 27, 2007

a start of something new...

okey, so i am now officially a blogger, (not that i need another reason to get even more addicted to my computer, but still..)

i guess my swedish friends are all wondering why the heck i'm writing in english, and there's a very simple explanation to that ...;
i want all of my non-swedish-speaking friends to be able to read what i'm writing, plus i get a reason to continue using my english now that i'm back from la.. :)

so, the start of something new... my new blog plus the fact that i start my new job tomorrow! Ih, i'm a bit nervous, but it'll probably work out just fine! (for all of you who wonder, my new job is at Siba [kinda like best buy for all of you non-swedes], and i'll be working about 75% from now on)

so, off to bed now i suppose.. ta-taaa!

1 comment:

lisa said...

s�tn�t! h�ll tummarna superh�rt, nu ska jag iv�g och provjobba i.. 9 timmar! ah!
gillar att du har blivit en blogger! :) (l�nkar dig fr�n min nu)
vi h�rs j�ttesnart <3